Радио Магистраль

by iRadioService

Music & Audio


Radio station "Magistral" is a radio station that uses streaming technology for broadcasting on the global Internet with the gradual development of broadcasting in FM mode. It is the main media in the city of Tommote. From December 28, 2022 - official permanent broadcast, according to the schedule.ROSCOMNADZOROffice of the Federal Service for Supervisionin the field of communications, information technology andmass communications in the Republic of Sakha(Yakutia)(Department of Roskomnadzor for the RepublicSakha (Yakutia))st. Kurashova, 22, Yakutsk, Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, 677000Inquiry: (4112) 318040; fax (4112) 318040E-mail: [email protected]. No. El No. TU14-00573 dated September 19, 2022